Reading Unit Day 3

For day 3 we did more pre-reading activities.

First, I projected a page from a Clifford book.  It was a page from a book that none of them had selected.  In their class notebooks, they wrote what they thought the page read in English.

They shared their thoughts, then we talked about what strategies they used to decide what the page said.  As they were announced, a student listed them on the board, they did a great job!

Photo 1



Next, I gave each pair of students a QR Code that linked to the Linoit page for their book.  If you remember, they were in the computer lab last Thursday.  I had a Linoit canvas set up for each book and the students typed predictions in Spanish for each book.  Today when they received the QR Codes and read the predictions about the book they chose to read, they copied the predictions into their notebook and said whether they agree or disagree (in Spanish).

The final activity was to fill out this worksheet:  Verbos de Clifford.  They had to list the verbs they found in the book, decide what the infinitive is, the English translation, and what tense the verb is.   This worked well since they are just learning the preterite and most of the books are present and preterite tense.

Just before the end of the hour they completed exit slips .  I love this style of exit slip.  I have borrowed it from another blog, I think the Creative Language Blog but I cannot remember....  If it is yours, please let me know and I will change the credit!

A good day!

Gracias,   Penny


  1. Thank you for sharing what you're doing with your reading unit. I've enjoyed following along and am getting so inspired! Gracias!

  2. No problem, blogging has helped me in so many ways too!
