Reading Unit Day 2

Today we were scheduled in the computer lab. 

The students had three tasks today related to their Clifford books.

One:  They used Linoit it share their predictions for each book.  Here is a link to the sticky note page for the book Clifford Visita el Hospital.

Their second task was to read a couple of the Clifford books in Spanish at this page as a sort of practice reading for their own Clifford book.

Thirdly:  In their notebooks they wrote a list of strategies they used to figure out what the pages were saying in Spanish.  

Tomorrow we will share those strategies.  We will also begin reading the books.  In the past I have had them first read silently to themselves without asking what words mean or looking them up.  Then take turns reading aloud with a partner and looking up only words that seemed extremely important to the meaning of the sentences.  Any thoughts?

Gracias, Penny


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